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Wisdom's Reflections: HTML Embed

Experiencing the Trinity in Community

Trinity Sunday can at once feel both mundane and inaccessible. We call upon the name of the Trinity in our prayer so often that the...

Pentecost Is Terrifying

Pentecost is terrifying. The Holy Spirit is terrifying. They are terrifying in the same way that shaking your principal’s hand or the...

Adjusting Expectations

As someone 2,000+ years removed from Christ’s death and resurrection, I can find it easy to chuckle at the apostles’ lack of...

The Challenge of the Spirit

Reading Mark’s Gospel often feels like running a sprint, because it is so action-packed and fast paced. Today's Gospel reading comes...

The Gift of Presence

Since I finished my undergraduate degree almost nine years ago, I have moved a lot. Across four cities, seven apartments, and six...

Patroness of Parties

If there was a patron saint of partying, St. Margaret of Scotland should be it. As Queen of Scotland, she used her court and influence to...

Celebrating Saint Clare’s Individuality

I came to know of Saint Clare of Assisi through Saint Francis. I have always been drawn to nature, the call of simple living resonates,...

In the Beginning was the Conversation

Today's Readings As a high school theology teacher, I often find myself in the midst of unexpected conversations. I will have my plans...

The Unpredictability of God

Today's Readings When I was a little girl, I loved watching the crackle and color of a fire. Our family could have been around a campfire...

Breath, Fire, Dove

...I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life... In the beloved classic, the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy accidently travels to...

Just men?

…for us men and our salvation… A significant portion of the theology and pastoral actions of Christians revolves around the misogynistic...

The Fruits of the Spirit

Today's Readings Jessica reflects on the Fruits of the Spirit, particularly our need for Gentleness.

Honesty for the Poor

Today's Readings Throughout high school and college, my friends and I often repeated movie quotes to each other. As I read through...

One Not Many

One of my favorite sayings is “words matter.” The words we say - to other people, ourselves, and yes, even God - they really do matter....

Kinship with the Earth

A few months ago, as Chicago’s short-lived spring began to give way to the sunshiny freedom of summertime, I had the opportunity to write...

I am not Martha or Mary

I have never been a big fan of the Martha and Mary story. There is certainly a reactionary bit on my part. There are enough places and...

Women, Earth, and Creator Spirit

Today's Readings Today we celebrate Pentecost, when the breath of the Spirit flowed through Jesus’ friends and empowered them to bring...

Transformative Joy

Today’s Readings In those halcyon days pre-Covid, my office did the gifts inventory process to help us learn about one another and...

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