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Wisdom's Reflections: HTML Embed

The Support and Challenge of Friends

Today we celebrate three of Jesus’s closest friends: Lazarus, who is described as “the one you love” (John 11:3); Mary, who performs the...

Like a Pomegranate 

Burst–like a pomegranate, like a womb, like the tomb / my neat and tidy boundaries crack wide / the seams of my heart split and seep joy

Some Mercy Now

“MERCY is NOT table fry sharing!” Almost twenty years after leaving our Mercy high school, my best friend and I still exchange this...

Love Forever Being Born

In November of 2022, I found myself silently weeping in the lobby of the University of Chicago Hospital, having just concluded my 38th...

Never the Same Again

Today's Readings My first child, Matthew, was born 2 days before Thanksgiving 1989. I had no idea what I was doing. The physical,...

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception teaches us that Mary was conceived without sin and never sinned. God had set her aside. We know this because of...

Realizations of Divinity and Imperfection

Years ago, during a nativity program at church, my eldest son played the part of baby Jesus in the manger and of course, I was Mary, and...

On Motherhood: Neither Catholic nor Secular

The question of vocation has always been a looming question for Catholics. And I mean vocation with the capital “V”. In college, this was...

You Are My Shero

Shero - a woman who inspires you. A woman who has poured into your life, helping you become the woman God created you to be. Though an...

Do You Love Me?

The Gospel for today is packed with such rich imagery. From Peter leaping out of the boat into the sea to run to Jesus on the shore, to...

Part 2 - Wounded, Scarred, and Radiant

Content Warning: medical trauma, birth trauma, mental health, suicidal ideation This is the second part in a 2-part essay. For the first...

Mothering our Corner of the World

Today's Readings What a wonderful opportunity was given to me when I was offered the chance to prepare thoughts for this Sixth Sunday of...

Bringing Christ into the World

Bringing Christ into the World Mary sits on my mantle, crouched over an empty manger, waiting for a toddler to lay baby Jesus there on...

Wisdom's Reflections: Blog2
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