Spirit of Truth and Love,
We honor our brothers, sisters, and siblings who find their identity outside of the boxes so often used to organize our world; may we remember that everything You made You see as good.
Every day, these children of Yours are threatened, abused, harmed, and killed; may we be their advocates and allies, offering comfort, healing, rest, and safety.
At times, it feels daunting to overcome the obstacles that have been placed in their paths; may we support them in their efforts to survive, live, and thrive in communities that often work against them.
Every one of us was made in Your image and likeness, Lord. You do not make mistakes. May those who feel excluded, defeated, and resented recognize the spark of the divine that lives within them.

Blessed Creator,
Your LBGTQ+ children have strength and dignity. They are necessary members of the Body of Christ. When we fail to recognize them, we fail to recognize you. Let us seek to make our world, our Church, and our community more welcoming, more compassionate, and more diverse by respecting those who have been cast aside, those who have been mistreated, those who do not feel that they are loved by us.