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Writer's pictureJennifer Delvaux

Keep in Mind

We are Catholic women. Each of us lives our faith through a wide variety of spiritualities, vocations, and faith practices. We recognize our differences, but see the beauty and vastness of our God and our Catholic faith unites us in this diversity.

Our individual relationships with God are a lifelong journey. This leads us to value growth, including growth through questions and challenges. We seek Wisdom with humility. We seek to, as it has been said, know as we are known. And when we fall short, we seek forgiveness and reconciliation.

Beyond Wisdom, more importantly, we turn to God seeking a relationship with the one upon whom we know our salvation rests. We are committed, each in our own way, to coming to know and love our God more dearly.

Each one’s journey is unique. We value the individuality of each of God’s creation. Each unique person encounters God, humanity, and the world in different ways, through different eyes. We value and honor those differences, creating a space where all are welcome to share how God moves in their lives and their world.

All life is sacred demands a primacy on justice. We hold it fundamental that we recognize that life is not respected in our society and this includes the particular corporate and individual sin of racism. We see the call of our faith to be proactive in confronting racism in our words and action, ourselves and our communities.

We believe in the essential principle that life is sacred. As such we recognize the starting point for all dialogue must be respect for the other and we expect that respect in return from all who engage with us in dialogue. Those who

We are complex beings, living our each of our multifaceted vocations. We many varied and distinct gifts to each role we play in our lives. We hold the gifts and vocations of Catholic womanhood are manifold and cannot be reduced to any archetype or stereotype. We look to the rich and varied examples offered by the women of faith who have gone before and find inspiration in our lives to rely on the Holy Spirit as we live faithful lives, building God’s kingdom, and supporting one another.

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