Today is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. Here is what I feel it necessary to say. If you are a Catholic, a Christian, and you saw this post and you saw that rainbow and your first response was to tense up and get ready to push against those who are LGBTQIA+, I need you to just pause. Take a deep breath. I am not here to debate that with you. This is a post for those of faith who do not identify as LGBTQIA+ (but those who do, see the note below).

What we need to do as Christians, as Catholics, is recognize no matter what an essential part of our identity as Christians is to proactively work against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia. At their root – these are fears – “phobia”. The opposite of faith is fear and in that fear of the other we are denying the presence of God in our siblings in God’s family. These are God’s children. Made in God’s image first and foremost. That is an essential part of our theology. That is literally the first moment of our theology at the dawn of time itself.
Our first act must always be the same act that led to Creation itself – love. Our words, actions, and prayers must always be rooted in love of our siblings and love of God.
Betraying our identity as God’s beloved children to act in fear and hatred for our siblings is an affront to God. Hatred, fear, and violence toward one another has no place in the family of God.
To our LGBTQIA+ siblings, know that we on this platform do love you and want this to be a space you feel comfortable coming to for your spiritual journey. We strive to make this a space where you can share your voice. If you feel we fall short of this, please contact us. If you would like to join our contributors, we would be thrilled.