Today is World Day of the Poor. In 2016, Pope Francis declared that the thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary time as the Day of the Poor. It seems odd to declare such a day. In the midst of the global pandemic, the complicated matrix of harms resulting from poverty are in stark relief.

Today’s Gospel gives us the opportunity to consider what are we doing with what we have been given. Some of us are blessed with abundance, or at least a comfortable security. Some of us might be watching the space carefully between each paycheck. Some of us may not even have that privilege. There is an invitation to consider what we may be able to offer, back to God through those in need.
Today’s Gospel is also an invitation to consider how else we use our gifts and talents (versus the monetary amount referenced by the word in the Gospel). You are a gifted, talented, unique individual with an invitation from God to use those gifts, talents, and the unique way you bear God’s image to help build God’s reign here on earth. That invitation is personalized – it is just for you, your identity, your gifts, your talents. You have a purpose and a place. You have God’s infinite compassion, grace, and love offered to strengthen you as you fulfil that purpose and place in the world. It is a blessing and it is our responsibility.
Take time today to challenge yourself – examine what you are doing with your time, talent, and treasure. Spend time in conversation with God, listen to where you may be invited to offer these for the good of others, for the kingdom of God. Be open to the opportunity to move from what is comfortable in giving to what is more challenging.