Shero - a woman who inspires you. A woman who has poured into your life, helping you become the woman God created you to be.
Though an unofficial definition perhaps not found in the Webster Dictionary, tomorrow is a day we celebrate each and every Shero in our lives: mothers, birth and adoptive mothers, foster mom’s, godmothers, spiritual mentors, aunts and grandma’s, sisters and friends. This Mother’s Day is for all women, because each of us is a Shero; rare, unique, and irreplaceable.
The Shero’s in my life are varied and many. My Aunt Carolyn, a Catholic school teacher turned prosecutor. She was bold and unafraid to share her opinion and rock the boat. Married later in life and unable to have her own children, she became a second mom to my siblings and I.
My own mom Sheila (though we call her SheShe). A prayer warrior and hospice nurse, she is still one of best friends and biggest cheerleaders in my life.
My spiritual director, Dr. Cooney. My academic advisor and professor in graduate school, she has walked with me through the pain of a divorce, dating/relationships, and the loss of my dad. Her voice is loving but a firm tone that brings me peace and clarity.
A band of beautiful friendships that I thank God everyday for: Christina, Helena, Sarah, Beth, Mary Catherine, MC, Alanna, and so many more (not even including the many friendships born out of social media connections).
This weekend our country celebrates Mother’s Day. While a day filled with love and celebration, this day can also be filled with pain and sorrow for many of us. Perhaps your mom has left this earth or you have an estranged relationship with your mom. Maybe your heart is breaking because of the infertility you experience or the desire for marriage and babies has not yet happened in your life. Maybe as a woman you feel hurt or abandoned by the church or your spiritual community.
For any pain that makes this day heavy for you, we as a community here hold space with you in that.
Yet this day is for all women. A day we honor and celebrate each shero in our lives, and the ways we can be a shero in the lives of women around us.
This weekend, take some time to reflect upon the many different women who have helped you become the woman you are today. Thank God for the gift they have been in your life, perhaps let them know how much they mean to you through a handwritten note or thoughtful text.
Women of all ages, stages of life, vocations, family sizes, and career’s, Mother’s Day is for all of you. Because you are Shero just as you are in the lives of many other women.
You are loved. You matter. You add something beautiful and unique to the kingdom of God no one else can add.
To all the Sheroes on this day, Happy Mother’s Day.